Vinayak Bagdi

(408) 444-3734 ยท

I specialize in transforming complex data into actionable insights while leveraging expertise in AI, machine learning, and full-stack development. I focus on driving impactful projects through innovative solutions that bridge technology and business needs.


Data Science Machine Learning Intern


Developed a novel unsupervised machine learning recommendation algorithm to analyze sales data from 700+ restaurants, enhancing cross-sell strategies and identifying profitable purchasing patterns.

May 2024 - August 2024

Undergraduate Data Science Research Assistant

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Department of Statistics

Under the guidance of Professor Bravo De Guenni, aggregated and cleaned over 10,000 historical climate datasets, designed a heat severity index to classify heatwaves, and developed a machine learning model in R for predictive analysis.

August 2024 - Present

Full Stack Developer Intern

Iris Logic

Developed a suite of REST API endpoints using NestJS and TypeScript to process large-scale medical test data, implemented 12 core features for automated diagnostic reporting, and collaborated with front-end teams to integrate Python-driven statistical visualizations, improving usability for 1,000+ doctors and enhancing scalability.

May 2023 - August 2023

Service Operations Engineering Intern

Swift Navigation

Engineered a Python script to clean raw data from Skylark Precise Positioning Service and Starling Positioning Engine, leveraging the processed data to create 100+ Grafana dashboards that provided the Operations team with critical insights into error rates, signal quality, and positional accuracy.

May 2022 - August 2022


Crime Prediction

Utilized classification and random forest models in R to predict crime type based on specific inputs. Conducted data cleaning, feature engineering, and visualization, evaluating model performance with accuracy, precision, and recall to derive valuable findings.

Party Planner

Analyzed a dataset of Twitter followers to identify the largest group of well-connected individuals. Implemented Tarjan's algorithm to detect strongly connected components and utilized Dijkstra's algorithm to determine the optimal path between the host and any additional connections.


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Bachelor of Science
Major in Statistics, Minor in Computer Science and Business

GPA: 3.66

August 2021 - May 2025

University of Melbourne

Study Abroad Program
Data Science and Artifical Intelligence

GPA: 4.0

Febuary 2024 - June 2024


Programming Languages & Tools